Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development                                    

There are different mobile app types you can explore for your mobile app development project, but which approach is right for your project?
Depending on your business objectives and overall product goals, this decision can make the success of your mobile strategy.

iOS and Android App Development                                    

iOS and Android App Development

Walk towards your audience
in a deeper and more interactive approach through smart mobile platforms

Nowadays, more than half of internet browsing happening on mobiles, businesses have been investing in this platform to ensure that their sites are not only responsive, but their mobile App optimised as well. Small, mid-size enterprise to corporate companies have taken into account that mobile trends are becoming more widespread day by day.

Native Mobile Apps Development

With over 2.2 million apps on iOS App Store and about 3 million in Android Google Play Store with an average number of 178 billion mobile app downloads by consumers as of 2017 which has been steadily increasing, it’s no wonder that it is time for businesses to develop native mobile apps. To compare with WebView apps, native mobile apps are not restricted to HTML5 and other website technologies. They also have the best performance in terms of user experience and responsiveness for they were built for that specific platform.

Native Mobile Apps allow developers to access the full feature set of their given platform with full customisable functions and performance optimisations. Developers can fully access smartphone hardware and software integration such as the cameras, animations, tabs, menus and so on.



  • Fast and responsive as they are built for that specific platform
  • Provides the best performance
  • Distributed in app stores
  • More interactive, intuitive and runs smoother in terms of user input and output
  • Flow is more natural because they follow specific UI standards for each platform
  • Internet connection is not required (depends on the functionality)
  • Overall better user experience
WebView App Development                                    

WebView App Development

Reach the peak of accessibility
by bringing your business right to your customers’ fingertips!

iOS and Android app development can be more expensive, needs longer time to develop and requires more resources to build. With that being said, some companies choose to look for an alternative that leverages similar features you can get in native apps.
What is WebView App Development?

Your website can be adapted into a webview app. It embeds your website directly into an app without the need to recreate your website’s functions in a new programming language. This helps you retain full functionalities of your website in mobile view, providing a more optimised app experience. It’s faster and easier to develop, and requires minimum maintenance as updates are coming directly from your website.

WebView also has advanced configuration options that allow you to embed pages of any content types in a layout that fits your app. This approach is suitable for clients who are on a budget, need the app fast and do not need any complex functionalities that require the full potential of hardware and software integration.



  • More affordable than a native app
  • One app for all platforms
  • No browser needed as opposed to a web app
  • Have access to the device’s internal APIs, can access storage, camera, etc.
  • Faster to develop than native apps because you have a single code base
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